Monday, January 25, 2010


I am the official IPG publicity officer since Januari 2008.

For optimum productivity, I align myself with my boss and institute's goals and values and making the organisation priorities my priorities. I show respect and loyalty to my boss and speak well of him to others. I also show my boss and co-workers that i have their best interests at heart by being empathetic and offering to help out when they need it. And putting the institution on newspaper is a sure way to boost the spirit of the IPG community.


BINTANGOR 22 JAN : Teaching is one of the most demanding professions today because of the practitioners necessities. The introduction of the Standard Curriculum for Primary schools next year will require teachers to be even more creative and innovative in giving quality education to the pupils. Mr. Nicholas Ugul, Director of Teacher Education Institute Rajang Campus Bintangor told the lecturers and students here during the closing ceremony of the Orientation Week for the KPLI January 2010 intake.

Recognised the one in blue ?

Out of a total of 1473 new students in the country, 40 of them reported themselves at Rajang Campus.

The new intakes posed with ultimate discipline for me.

Mr. Nicholas said that dedicated teachers ought to be intrinsically and altruistically motivated. They should be full of enthusiasm with plentiful of desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. They must possess a caring attitude and a love of continuous learning to upgrade oneself from time to time.

My boss delivered his speech

He added that teachers play a very critical role in nurturing the spirit of innovation, the passion in learning in our youngs and grooming them into profound individuals. As such students should acquire proper knowledge of the curriculum, classroom management techniques and teaching skills. They need to align their mind set to the standards of Malaysia teachers so that they can function properly in schools.

Persembahan daripada pelajar baharu

Besides the registration of the new students, the week long orientation course aimed to help the fresh intakes, soften the start of their one year of studies and their new encounter with academic life in the new campus. The main objectives include the familiarization with various interdisciplinary units, the organizational system, and the institute facilities. Secondly, getting to know fellow students and lecturers while creating a supportive atmosphere before the start of the academic year. And finally, acquiring some basic interactive skills and certain academic terminology through dynamic group activities and talks from professionals.

Take a snap for thr IP camera man.
Tuan Hj Mat Akhir, the Assistant Director of the campus earlier launched the opening ceremony of the week long orientation programme.

Over to you. From the students representative to the institute.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Aha….Life in IPG continue rocking and rolling on as usual while I am counting my days …..

Time flies. Thanks God after almost 3 years, I am still in one piece listening to clients, rendering health screening services and continue with the ever popular sensational projects which brought happiness, togetherness and sense of achievements to many co-workers who are directly or indirectly involved.

Januari 2010 is action packed. My clients include Pengarah, Timbalan Pengarah, Staf akademik, Staf sokongan dan pelajar institute.

Besides counseling and consultation services, blood pressure screening and blood sugar test are getting popular among the students. But most of all, those so called projects brought even more rewarding psychological impact to many campus community whose sense of pride would easily complement the outcome of any formal counseling session …….’cos they are tangible and involve participation and hands on. In many cases, the participants are the ones who lack confidence, but they contribute alternatives, they make chooses and work for the projects.

Among the projects :

1. Billboard : Let’s Change For The Best

2. Backdrop : Majlis Perasiman Minggu Pengurusan Pelajar Baharu KPLI Ambilan Januari 2010

3. Backdrop : Majlis Penutupan Minggu Pengurusan Pelajar Baharu KPLI Ambilan Januari 2010

4. Poster : 4 jenis guru ( Proaktif, Reaktif, Pasif, Dekoratif )

5. Carta Fungsi Organisasi IPG Kampus Rajang
. I am to the left of Timbalan Pengarah.

6. Papan Info Aktiviti Mingguan ( Temporary )

7. Billboard : Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.

Some staff shared their feelings with me saying that their hard work over the years had gone unnoticed by the management. But fortunately most of their products can be traced across the IP.

Next week I will start a corner featuring Personaliti Kampus. Hopefully it will bring some light to the authority concerned and happiness to the staff involved.

Joy is found when giving joy to others. Be altruisitic.


Hi Everbody !Going for the best this year ? If the answer is positive, then let’s ask ourself first why didn’t we go for it in 2009 and years before. Cos we will never become who we want to be by remaining who we are !

YEAH ! Thinking our way to change. The most successful teacher is the one who holds onto the old just as long as it is good, and grabs the new just as soon as it is better. Change nourishes growth.Change is available to everyone but only comes to fruition for those who pursue it mindfully and engage it earnestly. Change will never result from thinking alone - you must take action.Only you can move you !Only you can live you !Only you can change you !Our future is all about the actions we take and the choices we make! We need to change our attitudes, our behaviour first then only we can go for the best !

Back in action after a brief break. Just in time to put up a New Year Resolution for the assembly to support my boss premier speech calling the IP community to discard all the negatives and change to be more proactive in 2010. All for the betterment of rakyat while fulfilling the national aspiration.

Congratulations to Roy for initiating to put the IPG counsellors on a new chapter in 2010. A very brave and challenging move.
Congratulations to En. Saharuddin on your new appointment. Good on you.
Gonna miss you two, Rahim and Faridah.

Salam Kasih Sayang to everyone.

Hi ! My Dear Friends.2009 is coming to an end. Be it a year of 'tropi' or 'mangkuk', just be happy and let it be.After the team building course, my staf sokongan here liked the 'tropi and mangkuk' so much that they insist to have the second round in the near future. As a reminder, they put up the 'tropi and mangkuk' on the Unit Kaunseling Notice board.

To the Tropi - Don't look up at Champion, be ONE !To the Mangkuk - Anda tidak kalah berada di bawah namun anda kalah jika anda tidak bangun semula.

Bulan mengambang di tengah dunia, 2010 bakal menjelma. Susun jari maaf dipinta, palukan semangat cetus usaha.